SUPREME COURT JOBS-2024: Senior Personal Assistant and Personal Assistant Vacancy.
Online applications are invited from Indian citizens who fulfill the essential qualifications and other eligibility conditions as on 31.12.2024 for preparation of three separate panels for filling up 31, 33 and 43 vacancies respectively for the posts of Court Master (Shorthand) (Group-A Gazetted Post), Senior Personal Assistant and Personal Assistant (Group 'B', Non-Gazetted Posts) placed in Level 11, 8 and Level 7 with initial Basic Pay of Rs. 67,700, Rs. 47,600 and Rs. 44,900 respectively.
The number of vacancies is tentative and subject to change i.e. increase or decrease due to administrative reasons.
Essential Qualifications: -
For the post of Court Master (Shorthand)
1) A Degree in Law of a recognized University in India.
2) Proficiency in Shorthand (English) with a speed of 120 w.p.m.
3) Knowledge of Computer Operation with a typing speed of 40 w.p.m.
Minimum 5 years' regular service in the cadre of Private Secretary/Senior PA/PA/ Senior Stenographer in Government/Public Sector Undertakings/Statutory bodies.
For the post of Senior Personal Assistant: -
1) Degree of a recognized University.
2) Proficiency in Shorthand (English) with a speed of 110 w.p.m.
3) Knowledge of Computer Operation with a typing speed of 40 w.p.m.
For the post of Personal Assistant: -
1) Degree of a recognized University.
2) Proficiency in Shorthand (English) with a speed of 100 w.p.m.
3) Knowledge of Computer Operation with a typing speed of 40 w.p.m.
Age Requirement: -
1.Court Master (Shorthand): 30 to 45 years
2.Senior Personal Assistant: 18 to 30 years
3.Personal Assistant: 18 to 30 years
Usual relaxation in age will be admissible to SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged/Ex-Servicemen and Dependents of Freedom Fighters as per Government Rules. There will be no upper age limit for departmental candidates of the Registry of Supreme Court. However, no relaxation in age will be allowed to the candidates working in other Government Departments etc.
Reservation:- Reservation in direct recruitment for the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Physically Challenged shall be in accordance with the Rules, Orders and Notifications issued from time to time by the Government of India in respect of the posts carrying the Pay Levels corresponding to the Pay Levels prescribed for the posts of Court Master (Shorthand), Senior Personal Assistant and Personal Assistant, subject to such modification, variation or exception as Hon'ble the Chief Justice of India may, from time to time, specify. Reservation for Dependents of Freedom Fighters shall be in accordance with the orders issued by Hon'ble the Chief Justice of India..
The eligible candidates will have to appear in the tests in the following subjects:-
Scheme of Examination/Selection for the post of (i) Court Master (Shorthand)
1 Typing Speed Test on Computer
Minimum speed 40 words per minute
(Mistakes allowed 2% of the total words to be typed)
(Maximum marks - 10 and Minimum qualifying marks –5)
DURATION:10 minutes
2 Shorthand (English) Test at the speed of 120 words perminute
(The time for transcription will be 45minutes)
Maximum mistakes permissible = 5% of the total words dictated
Method of Gradation
1.Without mistake = 100 %
2.Upto 1% mistake = 90%
3.Upto 2%mistakes = 80%
4.Upto 3%mistakes = 70%
5.Upto 4%mistakes = 60%
6.Upto 5%mistakes = 50%
(Maximum marks - 100 and Minimum qualifying marks –50)
Duration: 7 minutes
Scheme of Examination
Written Test
Objective Type question paper with multiple choice answers containing 100
questions (consisting of 50 General English questions, 25 General Aptitude
questions based on logical reasoning (excluding questions relating to
arithmetic) and 25 General Knowledgequestions)
(Maximum marks - 100 and Minimum qualifying marks –50)
Minimum marks for Reserved Category (including PwD) will be 45 marks
Objective Type Computer KnowledgeTest
(Maximum marks - 10 and Minimum qualifying marks – 5)
Minimum marks for Reserved Category (including PwD) will be 4.5 marks
Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes
(Maximum marks - 30 and Minimum qualifying marks –15)
Minimum marks for Reserved Category (including PwD) will be 13.5 marks
The candidates will first be subjected to Typing Speed Test on Computer and the
candidates who qualify the said Test will be called for Skill Test in Stenography and
Objective Type Written Test and Computer Knowledge Test and those candidates who
qualify the said tests will be called for an interview. The candidates who qualify the Interview by securing minimum qualifying or more marks will be empanelled separately in
the order of merit for appointment as Court Master (Shorthand), Senior Personal Assistant
and Personal Assistant. The candidates may note that mere placement in panel does not confer any right on them to claim appointment for the post of Court Master (Shorthand)/Senior Personal Assistant/PersonalAssistant.
The Tests will be conducted at 23 Test Centres in 16 states as per details given below:
No. of test centres (23)
Ahmedabad, Ambala, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Delhi, Ernakulam, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Kanpur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Mysuru (Mysore), Nagpur, Patna, Prayagraj, Pune,Udaipur, and Visakhapatnam
No. of states (16)
Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Tamil Nadu,Delhi, Kerala, Assam, Telangana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Bihar, and Andhra Pradesh
The candidates are required to indicate their choice of any three test centres at which they wish to appear. In case sufficient number of candidates are not registered at any
particular centre, the candidates who selected such centre will be accommodated to next preferred test centre.
Registration of application and payment of fee:
Eligible candidates are required to apply online for which the link is provided through
Supreme Court Website, The application will be accepted through online
registration only which will start on 04.12.2024. Candidates will be required to pay non-
refundable Application/Test Fee of Rs. 1,000/- for General/OBC candidates and Rs. 250/- for
SC/ST Ex-Servicemen/PH candidates/Dependents of Freedom Fighters plus bank charges through online mode only. Fee shall not be accepted in any other form. Application through post shall not be accepted. The fee shall be paid online through Payment Gatewayp rovided by UCO Bank.
Closing Date for online applications:
The starting date for online registration of application is 04.12.2024 at 16:00 hours and last date thereof is 25.12.2024 at 23:55hours.
General Instructions
1.The candidates applying for the posts of Court Master (Shorthand)/Senior Personal Assistant/Personal Assistant should submit separate online application for each post and also should ensure that they fulfill the prescribed eligibility conditions for the said posts on the date of eligibility. Their admission at all the stages of examination viz. Typing/Shorthand Skill/Written/Computer Test and the Interview for which they are admitted by this Registry will be purely provisional subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions by way of furnishing documentary proof in support thereof. The checking of identity of candidate and verification of documents will be done on the date of interview. If on verification at any time before or after the said test/interview, it is found that the candidate does not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, his/her candidature for the examination shall stand cancelled without any notice or further reference.
2.The candidate will be required to upload the scanned copy of his/her recent photograph and signature on the online application form in accordance with the instructions displayed on the link provided for the purpose. Candidates should ensure that the particulars filled in the online application form are correct in all respects before final submission of application form. Application once submitted cannot be withdrawn or modified.
3.The candidate is required to fill up the required data in the application and make payment of fee online in accordance with the instructions displayed on the link. provided for the purpose.
4.After successful completion of online application form, candidates will be able to preview his/her duly submitted application. Candidates are advised to get a printout of the filled up application form for their record. Printout of filled up application need not be sent to the Registry.
5.The candidate should retain his/her Application number carefully for generation of admit card from the link to be provided on the website of Supreme Court of India and for any other information regarding prescribed Tests/Interview.
6.Candidates are advised to visit Website of Supreme Court of India for updates regarding the posts of Court Master (Shorthand)/Senior Personal Assistant/Personal Assistant at regular intervals.
7.In case any candidate submits more than one application form, he/she must note that the application last submitted will only be entertained by the Registry. No correspondence requesting to accept previous application(s) will be entertained. by the Registry.
8.Candidates must note that fee once paid will not be refunded in any circumstance even in case where fee for more than one application form has been paid by a candidate. The candidature of General/OBC candidate paying application fee as prescribed for reserved category will not be taken into consideration.
9.No request for change in category filled in online application form will be entertained.
11.The Physically Challenged candidates will be extended the same concessions/facilities as are allowed by SSC/UPSC in Written Test etc. conducted by them.
12.No TA/DA will be payable to the candidates for appearing in the tests/interview.
13.The candidates are required to download Admit Card for all stages of the Examination, from Supreme Court Website. It shall not be sent by post.
14.The dates of the Objective Type Written Tests, Typing Speed Test on Computer, Shorthand Skill Test and Interview will be notified on the Supreme Court website i.e. Information will also be sent through SMS and e-mail to the candidates on their registered mobile number and e-mail. Therefore, Candidates should have a valid personal E-mail ID and mobile number and it should be kept active during the entire recruitment process.
15.Candidates working in State/Central Govt. departments/Banks/PSUs etc. will be required to submit No Objection Certificate at the time of interview.
16.The Registry reserves its right to short-list candidates in any manner as may be considered appropriate with the approval of Competent Authority. The Registry reserves the right to cancel/restrict/ enlarge/modify/alter the recruitment process, if needed, without issuing any notice.
17.In case of any dispute(s), legal jurisdiction will be Delhi.
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